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Friday, 28 August 2020

my stop motion

-i learned there is a lot more to stop motion then meats the eye there's thousand of photo's in just a couple of minutes it takes hours to make just to make a couple of minutes of a stop motion.



my stop motion

Thursday, 27 August 2020

fab 4 literacy skills

 Predict: What we guess will happen                               Question: Something you ask to find out information 

Clarify:To make clear something we don't understand              Summarise:We shorten the key information into

                                                                                                                    our own words 

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Aggressive magpies wreaking havoc!

There back the swooping birds we all don't like magpies. They have been attacking people, cyclists and also cars  in banks peninsula but that is not all a boy was permanent blinded in one eye. The council will relocate them so they swoop at people.
Australian magpie | New Zealand Birds Online